Harsh Shah - Associate Director of Product Engineering @ Tada | ProductHooman | S1 E1 πŸŽ™οΈ

In this latest episode of the ProductHooman podcast, Harsh Shah, Associate Director of Product Engineering at Tada, talks about his experience in product management and how he has worked with technologies like Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. Harsh talks about how important it is to understand what people want before trying to solve their problems. He stresses taking time to learn about the users you're making products for instead of just jumping to conclusions. He also talks about the importance of listening to all users’ opinions and using that information to make the best product decisions.Harsh also talks about how he:

  • Decides what features to add to products
  • Balances what he thinks is important with what users actually need
  • Uses various tools to build and test products

According to Harsh, the key to creating successful products is to focus on understanding your users to the core. Overall, this podcast episode is for you if you are interested in learning more about product management.

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Connect with Harsh Shah on:

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hshah18/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/hshah18

Website: https://www.hshah.xyz/

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