Suhas Motwani - Founder @ TheProductFolks| ProductHooman | S1 E3 🎙️

In this episode of the ProductHooman Podcast, we've invited Suhas Motwani, founder of The Product Folks, one of Asia's largest product communities. He worked at PepsiCo last full-time and iterated on several side projects such as Indistractable, Indie Project, Bangalore Meetups, etc.

In today’s episode, we discussed so many interesting insights:

Similarities and differences between Community Manager and Product Manager: Product Managers will be great Community Managers as 90% of the principles are the same. One thing that's there in the community manager is the 3 P principles - Patience, Patience, and Patience. In community management, it's all about people.

  • Emerging trends in the industry: Whatever said and done is disruptive. There will be some version of it that you will be interfacing with. Within the end of this year, everyone will be working with AI, if not flow full-blown AI products. As a product manager, it's super important for you to be early. AI is here to stay.
  • AI took over creative and artistic stuff: When there was no AI, everyone was asking whether AI can take over creative and artistic stuff. Now, the first thing AI took over disruption is in creative stuff just like Midjourney that took over the creative side of the thing. It's a great thing for someone who is not a designer or doesn't has an artistic background.
  • Cool projects Suhas is actively working on: He has been working on a fun project, the Superconnector project. With this, he's creating a community of people who are at the back side helping everyone and don't get recognition. Started a community District 52 which is a community of 52 members.
  • Recent realization — Biggest Learning: time is finite. Everyone is hustling but realized that we are here for a limited time period. So, started taking out time for small things.
  • Cool company recommendations which are doing great stuff: He mentioned some of the companies such as Olvy, WorkHack, and AIspace are doing great stuff. Excited for the SaaS ecosystem shaping up in India.

Listen to the full conversation to know in detail!

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